Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Top 10 Recession Proof Jobs

With the "Recession Virus" affecting the global business activity, people are becoming more inclined to framing up their own home-based business. Well, that's really an appreciable idea, because more business implies more activities implies more doses of antibiotics to fight the germ. But there are sectors that are resistant to recession... thank God, there still exist something called "Recession Proof Jobs"! Here are the top 10 Recession Proof Jobs.

Accounting - Just because some employers feel like a fish out of water with economic crisis looking up, doesn’t mean that they won't require accountants. Employers need more skilled accountants to come up with advanced accounting and auditing methods during the period of recession. This is what makes the job of accounting a recession proof job.

Administrator - With situation going tougher every single moment, more skilled administration executive is required to garb a solid hold of the mast. There will always be a need for experienced administrator to keep the ship of business in right direction, lest it doesn't get struck to an iceberg of recession.

Education - Never in history did a nation's education system suffer halt during a period of recession. Education system shouldn't be ceased even in hardship. There will always be need of teachers and trainers, which makes the job related to education one of the most recession proof jobs.

Funeral services - "Death is a debt we all must pay", said Euripides. This true and obvious fact that no one can't deny. It doesn't really matter whether its a boom or recession or economic depression, there will always be a need for service person at the funeral.

Lawyer - Economic depression and recession cannot cease a country's legal department. Service of lawyers are of utmost requirements for keeping country's law and order on the track.

Medical and Nursing Service - Economic hardship doesn't mean people will not fall ill. Injury, pregnancy, heart attacks, opthalmic disorders, and other specific and general ailments are the major causes for people's visit to hospitals. Medical services will be in desperate need even though there's a decline on the global economy.

Software Development and Designing - A Study carried out by the US Department of Labor, shows that software development and design industry will have growth against all odd at least till 2016!

Police service - Statistics shows that crime tends to worsen up during economic crisis. Service of police departments, hence, comes out to be most important for society.

Fire brigades - Economic Crisis doesn't means there won't be accidents. Accidents can happen anywhere, at any point of time. Requirements for fire station service men will always be there irrespective of the socio-economic condition.

News Reporting and Journalism - Good journalism and news reporting is a key to the media Interview calls will always be there for experienced news reporters and journalists. Sometimes during the crucial phases like the one we are on requires more journalists and news reporters to provide exact report on media.

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